amy patton


amy patton

It was his usual weekly planning call. “Babe, I booked my travel for the week…and then I realized it is Easter weekend. Do I need to cancel it?” My automatic reaction was to say yes, but something in my spirit stopped me. I had a thought that had never occurred to me before. As believers, shouldn’t we live every day as if it’s Easter? The answer was a simple yes. Every day, the rising sun is a reminder of the rising Son and His sacrifice on the cross. The pouring out of Himself to bring us home to the Father was accomplished in a day, but requires of us a daily response.

“This is how God showed His love among us; He sent His one and only son into the world that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9

So what should our response be? If we wanna be more like Jesus, the answer is simple. Pour out ourselves for the things that matter. People. They are the only thing that matter and the only thing that is eternal. Love ‘em well. Everything else will pass away, but people remain. To do this, we have to look up from our own little world and step into somebody else’s. Jesus didn’t just wait for people to knock on His door and ask for a miracle. He went looking for them. He opened His eyes to the needs that were already present and He showed up.

But we cannot love others well and not include ourselves in the mix. The key to emptying ourselves in service to others is that we know how to fill back up. We can’t just walk around empty all the time and expect to accomplish anything in the spiritual OR the physical world. That, dear human, is the recipe for a mental breakdown. Trust me. No bueno. Invest in yourself the same way you would invest in your kids, your husband, your business or a robot vacuum cleaner. We invest in things that are important to us, so make YOU important. I mean, Jesus died on the cross for you so that right there tells you what you are worth. You are worth the blood of the lamb.  

Self-care is not selfish. It is about protecting and stewarding well the treasure the Lord has put inside of us. He put it there for a purpose and using it for His glory will also be our greatest joy. Why would you want to miss out on that goodness? He has given each of us a job to do. To do it well, we must first be well. The BE always comes before the DO.  

To be well, we must also invest in our relationship with the Lord. Nothing that we invest with Him is ever wasted. The truth of His word changes us. Time in His presence refreshes us. Pouring out our worship breaks us open and creates space for more of Him. And more of Him really is the whole point.

So, how do we live every day as if it’s Easter? We wake up, fill up and then pour out. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. It goes without saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway. You cannot give what you do not have. Even if your mornings are less than ideal for a solid block of time with the Lord, you can find 3 minutes to pour His truth into your cup. A worship song, a short devotional or even the Verse of the Day can jump start your day. Then it’s up to you to create space for a full recharge somewhere along the way. It’s not a guilt move or a to-do list item. It is about putting first things first and bringing the sacred into the routine.

The sacred space of Easter is too good to save for once a year. It is the heart of God poured out over the dust of this earth in a way that changes eternity. It is because of Easter that His mercies are new every morning. It is because of Easter that we have a second chance.


